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Jehudith Ish-Tov Livnat

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Jehudith (Hertha) Ish-Tov Livnat (née Loewenthal) was born on 24.11.1906 in Heidelberg (Schildberg). In Berlin-Schöneberg, she trained as a social worker at the Social Women's School (1927/29) and continued her education at the Women's Academy for Social and Pedagogical Women’s Work, both institutions founded by the social work pioneer Alice Salomon. She then worked at the recreation centre for Jewish children and in Jewish health care and specialised in looking after families at the municipal Social Welfare Offices.

Hilde Hochwald

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Hilde Alexander-Katz (née Hochwald) was born on 12.12.1907 in Berlin and died in 1992 in Haifa. She began her career as a kindergarten teacher of infants born outside marriage. After graduating from the Social Women's School in Berlin Schöneberg in 1929, she worked in a Jewish orphanage, in a 'Kinderlandheim' and in the Jewish Child Welfare Office and held various leading positions as a kindergarten teacher and in the Jewish Welfare School. She also worked in an institution for Jewish girls founded by Bertha Pappenheim, the leader of the Jewish women’s movement.

Dr. Emmy Wolff

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Emmy Wolff was born on 25 December 1890 in Bernburg an der Saale as the eldest of three children in a Jewish middle-class family. She attended a secondary school and a girls' boarding school before completing her education at the Hochschule für Frauen in Leipzig from 1915 to 1918. She continued her academic career in Munich and Frankfurt am Main. Wolff obtained a diploma for social and administrative officers in 1922 and completed her doctorate at the University of Frankfurt in 1924 with the topic: "A Girls' Club and the Circle of Origin of its Members".

Dr. jur. Max Ellinger

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In the Münchner address book 1893 finds the following entry: Ellinger Salomon, (S.Ellinger) Agent,- und Commissions-Geschäft, Karlstraße 25/2. Max Ellinger was born on October 12, 1875 in München. His parents were the Munich merchant Salomon Ellinger and Karolina Ellinger, née Koch.

Gertrud Blank

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Gertrud ("Trude") Sara Blank was born on 15.2.1892 in Hannover Germany and died in 1981 in Tel Aviv. She was the daughter of Sophie and Ely Blank, a merchant and manufacturer. Gertrud grew up with her aunt Emilie Levy, who probably died in 1911. One of her many siblings was Paula Blank, with whom she later lived in Tel Aviv.

Family Josef Salomon

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The merchant Josef Salomon, born on 21.4.1866 in Neustadt near Pinne, married in 1889 in Berlin the tailor Emilie Charlotte Auguste Koeppen. Shortly after their marriage, their first son, Martin Franz, was born on March 13, 1890. On 11.1.1894 then followed Alfred Leopold.