Emmy and Ernst Rubensohn

Complete profile

Hermannstraße 3
34117 Kassel

51.312371, 9.481623

Emmy and Ernst Rubensohn's first apartment from 1907: Emmy Rubensohn, born in Leipzig in 1884, marries Ernst Rubensohn on 17.08.1907 and moves in with him in Kassel. From 1913, Emmy's recently divorced brother Alfred Frank entrusted his daughter Dorothea (Dora) to the Rubensohns. The girl, born in 1907, spent her childhood with them.

Ernst Rubensohn's parents Herz gen. Hermann (1837–1919) and Rosa née Herrlich (1838–1931), who came from Kassel, had moved to Kassel in 1868 from Beverungen, where they traded in cattle feed and jute products. Here Hermann founded the H. Rubensohn jute spinning mill in Cassel in 1882, with which he enjoyed great success. He was also active as a commercial judge. While his son Emil founded his own woollen mill in Kassel-Bettenhausen, Ernst, born on August 16, 1873, took over the jute spinning and weaving mill in Rothenditmold. This produced yarns for various purposes and other weaving mills as well as its own fabrics, primarily for packaging purposes, such as bags for cereals, bran or foodstuffs. As early as 1887, the company enjoyed a worldwide reputation, as stated in a commemorative publication of the Association of German Engineers, and continued to grow. In 1913, the company employed around 800 workers, including around 500 women.

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