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Shoe factory - Ludwig Heimann

Complete profile

Ludwig Heimann founded the company " Schuhwaren en gros " in 1886. For the year 1895 the order and delivery of a steam engine is documented. The company's letterhead is adorned with a silver medal from the Bavarian State Industrial Trade Exhibition in Nuremberg in 1896. In 1906, health reasons led Ludwig Heimann, the founder of the company, to decide to slowly withdraw from the company and hand it over to his nephews Max Landenberger and Wilhelm Heimann.

Margarine plant - Heinrich Lang & Sons

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The companies Salb & Wohl and Heinrich Lang & Söhne, both margarine manufacturers merged around 1912 and henceforth operated under the name " Vereinigte Margarinewerke Nürnberg ". In 1939, in the course of Aryanization, the two Jewish shareholders handed over their shares in Vereinigte Margarine Werke Nürnberg to the non-Jewish shareholders under government pressure.

Oils, varnishes and paints factory - M. & S. Meyerfeld

Complete profile

In the address book of the city of Köln are the following entries: M. & S. Meyerfeld   (Max Meyerfeld), Öle,- Lacke,- und Farbenfabr., Ehrenf., Overbeckstr.38.  - Meyerfeld Max (E), see above, Spichernstr. 46 II. - Moses Max Meyerfeld was born on July 8, 1878 in Spangenberg. His parents were Ruben Meyerfeld from Treysa and Bertha Oppenheimer from Heiligenstadt. He had two sisters - Rosalie/Sara Meyerfeld, born October 20, 1876 and Sofia Selma Meyerfeld, born January 10, 1880.

Leaf Metal, Bronze Paint and Brocat Factory - Bernhard Ullmann

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Bernhard Ullmann, born November 23, 1809 in Fürth was  merchant and bronze color manufacturer. In 1846 he founded the Bernhard Ullmann & Co leaf metal, bronze paint and brocat factory in Fürth. In 1891, the factory was sold by Isaak Brandeis to Bernhard Ullmann & Co, who moved the business away from Fürth and had the buildings demolished in 1902. In the meantime, the factory was surrounded by residential buildings and could no longer be expanded. In place of the Brandeis factory, the Theresienstr. 4-10 group of apartment buildings was erected.

Spiritousenfabrik - Adolf Rosenfelder

Complete profile

In the register of the city of Augsburg for the year 1912, the following entries can be found: Aufhäuser, Alb., factory owner, part of the company: A. Rosenfelder, Likörfabr.,Schäzlerstr. 15/III, - Aufhäuser Herm., Hopfenhdlr., part of the company: Adolf Rosenfelder, Hermanstr. 23/I . - Adolf Rosenfelder was born on December 22, 1849 in Aufhausen near Bopfingen. His parents were Marx Rosenfelder and Henriette Rosenfelder, née Weil. Adolf Rosenfelder died unmarried on November 2, 1881 at the young age of just under 32. He is buried in the Augsburg Jewish Cemetery.

Cloth factory - Josef Königsberger

Complete profile

Josef Nathan Königsberger was born in Krefeld on February 17, 1837. His parents were Nathan Loeb Konigsdorfer and Johanna Herz Königsberger,née Reifenberg. He was married to Jeanette Königsberger,née Feibes, born May 20, 1845 in Lengerich.She was the daughter of Feibes Jacob and Elfriede Feibes of Lengerich. Josef Nathan and Jeanette Königsberger had 9 children. Karl Königsberger, born on January 20, 1872 was deported from Düsseldorf to Theresienstadt on  July 25, 1942 and died in the Theresienstadt ghetto on January 18, 1943.

Hat factory - Moritz Ladder

Complete profile

In the address book of the city of Augsburg from the year 1920 are the following entries: Moritz Leiter, Fa., ( Inh.: Max u. Kath. Leiter ), Band-, Putz-Seidenwaren u. Modewarengeschäft., Bürgermeister Fischer Straße B 239/0 u. I.  -  Leiter Katharina, Kaufmann-Wittwe, Teilh. b. Fa. Moritz Leiter, Prinzregentenstr. 7/I.  -  Leiter Max, Kaufmann..,Partner of the firm: Moritz Leiter, Bürgermeister Fischer Stra;e B 239/ III. - Manager Jul., merchant, Prinzregentenstr. 7/I,  -  Manager Karl, merchant, Prinzregentenstr. 7/I.