Nockherstraße 2
81541 München
In the address book of the city of Munich 1893 the following entries can be found: Part 1 - Alphabet. List of residents - Billigheimer & Cie, bed feather business en gros, factory and warehouse, Nockherstr.2 and 3. Billigheimer Julius ( Billigheimer & Cie ) merchant, Thierschstr.31. - Einstein Adolf (Billigheimer & Cie) merchant, Buttermelcherstr.15.In the trade and business - address book with indication of the specialities for München and its nearest environment 1893 - Beds and bed feathers - Billigheimer & Cie Nockherstr. 2. and 3. - Owners of the company Billigheimer & Einstein oHG were Julius Billigheimer and Adolf Einstein.Julius Billigheimer, born from Eppingen, was married with Emilie Nordschild from Schweinfurt. Adolf Einstein, born in Jebenhausen, was married to Ida Nordschild, Emilie´s sister. Adolf Einstein was a factory owner and Kommerzienrat. His wife Ida Einstein died in Munich on November 21, 1928. Adolf Einstein died in Munich on February 3, 1938. After his death and the emigration of Julius Billigheimer and his wife Emilie, the sons continued the business. In November/December 1938 Robert and Oskar Einstein emigrated with their families to the USA. Julius and Emilie Billigheimer found their final resting place in Switzerland.

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