ORT Vocational Training School Munich
ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation through Training) ran rehabilitation programs for DPs after World War II. After the founding of the State of Israel these were supplemented by training programs in Israel itself. Between 1946 and 1949 the organization trained more than 22,000 Jewish DPs between the ages of 18 and 55 at ist vocational training centers. A wide variety of different skilled trades could be learned at the centers: from tailoring and mechanics to photography. Today, ORT is a worldwide vocational training network which is specifically geared to Jewish students.
Gertrude Goldschmidt
<p>Gertrude Goldschmidt (*1912 Hamburg –1994 Caracas) bekannt als Gego, war eine moderne jüdisch-deutsch-venezolanische bildende Künstlerin. Gego ist vielleicht am besten für ihre geometrischen und kinetischen Skulpturen aus den 1960er und 1970er Jahren bekannt, die sie als „Zeichnungen ohne Papier“ bezeichnete.Gego absolvierte von 1932 bis 1938 eine Ausbildung zur Architektin und Ingenieurin an der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart.
Gertrude Goldschmidt
<p>Gego absolvierte von 1932 bis 1938 eine Ausbildung zur Architektin und Ingenieurin an der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart. Als Jüdin war sie kurz nach Erhalt ihres Diploms zur Flucht nach Venezuela gezwungen, wo sie als Frau in einem technischen Berufsfeld nicht Fuß fassen konnte.
World "ORT" Union - Central Office
The "ORT" ( Organization - Reconstruction - Training ) was founded in Russia in 1880. It was led by five Russian-Jewish philanthropists, including Samuel Polyakov, Naphtali Herz Günzburg and Nikolai Bakst. The "Society for Craft and Agricultural Work" in Russia had set itself the task of promoting the vocational training of Jews in Russia. With the relocation of the " ORT " to Berlin in 1921 , not only did the name change to " World ORT Union ", but its radius of action also increased - World Ort Union operated internationally.
Israelite Horticultural School Ahlem
The Israelitische Gartenbauschule Ahlem was a Jewish school founded in 1893 as the "Israelitische Erziehungsanstalt zu Ahlem bei Hannover". It served as a supra-regional, boarding school educational institution for horticulture and various trades. Its students came from all over Germany, from Eastern Europe, and occasionally even from Palestine and other countries; its graduates were soon to be found all over Europe, in Palestine, North and South America, and in the German colonies. The founder was the Hanoverian banker Alexander Moritz Simon.
Israelite Preparatory School
S.C. Apprentice Home Pankow
Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
As early as 1971, the then State Rabbi of Baden, Nathan Peter Levinson, had the idea of founding a training institution for rabbis, cantors and religion teachers. It was to be modeled on the "Lehranstalt für die Wissenschaft des Judentums" in Berlin - which was forcibly closed by the Nazis in 1939 - and thus revive Jewish scholarship in Germany.
Schweinfurt Private Commercial School (Schweinfurt)
In the community center of the Israelite religious community, the first Schweinfurt private trade school was founded by teacher Bernhard Adler.
Jewish elementary and vocational school (Nuremberg)
The Jewish elementary and vocational school was established in the former Georg Levy toy factory and opened in 1934. After the destruction of the synagogues, services were held in the school gym.