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Jewish Cemetery (Landsberg am Lech / Kaufering European Holocaust Memorial)

Complete profile

From June 1944, the Kaufering concentration camp complex with eleven subcamps of the Dachau concentration camp was built in the greater Landsberg am Lech district. Exploiting the labor of predominantly Jewish forced laborers, three semi-subterranean bomb-proof bunkers for German aircraft production were to be built here under the overall construction management of the Organisation Todt (code name Ringeltaube).

Jewish cemetery (Kraiburg a. Inn - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

Complete profile

There is probably a mass grave in the village cemetery in Jettenbacher Street in the rear left section. The monument bears the inscription: "+ 242 Innocent victims of National Socialism in eternal memory + April 1945 / humiliated by hatred / ennobled by suffering".

Jewish Cemetery (Kaufering/South - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

Complete profile

The cemetery Kaufering-Süd is located between Landsberg and Kaufering east of the B 17 in the Lechauen near the Lech dam and the concentration camp cemetery Kaufering Nord in the protected area Hurlacher Heide. The cemetery was built after the end of the war for the victims of camps III and IV of the Landsberg/Kaufering subcamp complex.

Jewish Cemetery (Kaufering/North - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

Complete profile

The cemetery is located east of the B 17 from Kaufering in the direction of Augsburg in the Lechauen near the Lech dam. The cemetery was established immediately after the end of the war in connection with the victims of camps IV and III of the Landsberg/Kaufering subcamp complex.

Jewish cemetery (Igling/Holzhausen - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

Complete profile

The cemetery is located on the right side of the road from Holzhausen to Landsberg at the Dammmoosweg near the Magnus home behind a small bridge.The cemetery was established in connection with the victims of the Landsberg/Kaufering concentration camp complex who died after the end of the war.

Jewish cemetery (Hurlach - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

Complete profile

The cemetery is located west of the federal road 17 from Landsberg to Augsburg between Kaufering and Hurlach. It was built over a mass grave with victims of Camp IV of the Landsberg/Kaufering subcamp complex. The camp had been run as a "sick camp" from December 1944. Other victims are the prisoners left behind during the evacuation in April 1945. The design was created in 1950 by the Nuremberg architect Ernst Rücker. The solemn inauguration took place on October 1, 1950.

Jewish cemetery (Hubmersberg (district of Pommelsbrunn) - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

Complete profile

The memorial for concentration camp victims from the concentration camp Hersbruck is located to the right of the road from Pommelsbrunn to Hubmersberg about 2 km before Pommelsbrunn in the forest. In the middle of a free, grassy place there is a stylized grave slab with the inscription: "Shall here eternally blazing raise the flame / the lament sees frozen to stone. Mute also speaks the stone. Erected in 1950". To the right of the memorial is a tall block with the inscription, "To the victims of the Hersbruck concentration camp who were cremated on this spot in 1944-45."