Mikvah (Ritual Bath)
Solr Facette
Mikvah (Ritual Bath)
Term ID

The mikvah of Worms

Complete profile

The mikvah is located in the garden of the synagogue. It was built in the years 1184 to 1186 in the Romanesque style. It is one of the äoldest preserved ritual baths in the world. An above-ground bathhouse, demolished in the 19th century, also in Romanesque style, probably also served the Säuberung.

Today, a staircase leads to a narrow antechamber, which probably served as a changing niche. From there, a semicircular curved staircase leads seven meters down to the water level. The mirror is today at seven meters from the ground surface.


Complete profile

In the middle of the 20th century, the basement floors of today's Hindenburgstraße 20/22 always showed damp spots after heavy rainfall. When investigating the cause, one came across a hole about 20 meters deep, at the lowest point of which were old wooden planks. According to oral tradition, this is supposed to be a so-called "Judenbrunnen" in earlier times. This was a (non-Jewish) name for a mikveh, a ritual bath in Judaism.