Birthplace Hannah Arendt

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In the house at Lindener Marktplatz 2 Hannah Arendt was born. There a city plaque honors her life.

The plaque was unveiled on December 4, 2015, the 40th anniversary of Arendt's death, jointly by Lord Mayor Stefan Schostok and Thomas Walter, then head of the youth and social affairs department. Walter, as a private citizen, assumed the costs for the plaque.

Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Study Center (ELES)

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ELES is the gifted support organization of the Jewish community, was founded in 2009 and is one of the thirteen gifted support organizations supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. With its targeted support for gifted young students and doctoral candidates, the Studienwerk makes an important contribution to the formation of a new Jewish intellectuality in Germany and Europe. ELES stands for a tradition-conscious, pluralistic, cosmopolitan and self-confident Judaism and supports Jews of all denominations.

Israelite Institution for the Deaf and Dumb

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The Israelitische Taubstummen-Anstalt was located in Berlin-Weißensee at Parkstraße 22 and was run by Markus Reich, and later by his son Felix Reich.
Markus Reich had founded a deaf-mute institution in Fürstenwalde in 1873 with four students. In 1884, together with his supporters, he established the "Friends of the Deaf and Dumb - Jedide Ilmin" association. In 1889, the association acquired and built the property at Parkstraße 22. After Markus Reich's death in 1911, his son Felix took over the management of the deaf-mute institution.