Aufrecht, Margot

Complete profile
Nov. 13, 2015
Margot Aufrecht, born Sept. 29, 1925, in Berlin, daughter of Erna and Hermann Aufrecht; married Greenberg; deported Nov. 14, 1941, on the 5th transport to the Minsk ghetto, liberated in Bergen-Belsen in 1945; survived the Holocaust; died March 31, 1988, in Melbourne

Aufrecht, Hermann

Complete profile
Nov. 13, 2015
Hermann Aufrecht, born July 22, 1899 in Berlin; married Erna Goldstein; emigrated to Yugoslavia in 1935; imprisoned in Berlin-Moabit Prison from November 11, 1938, transferred to Berlin-Tegel Prison on January 23, 1939, released on August 30, 1939; deported on November 14, 1941 with the 5th transport to the Minsk Ghetto,