Kuttner, Heinz
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The stumbling block was created on the initiative of the Berlin
Krzesny, Lilly Rahel
Complete profile
Lilly Rahel Baum was born in Filehne on February 25, 1914, the daughter of textile salesman Bernhard Baum and his wife Johanna, née Lebenstein. Her younger sister was Erna Pauline, born on March 25, 1919. Lilly Rahel married the furrier Rudi Krzesny and lived with him in Berlin at Mommsenstraße 8. In the early 1940s, the marriage was divorced, and Lilly Rahel again lived with her parents, who had meanwhile moved to Gotenstraße 73.
Krosigk, Albrecht von
Complete profile
Friedrich Karl Albrecht von Krosigk was born in Gnesen on December 14, 1892, the son of the cavalry captain Gebhardt von Krosigk and his wife Gisela, née von Saldern. His father was murdered in 1901 in Gumbinnen (today: Gussew/Poland), the murderer was never determined. Albrecht von Krosigk was also to pursue a military career: he attended the Gymnasium in Gnesen, was sent to the cadet school in Plön in Holstein and then to Berlin-Lichterfelde. As an ensign he took part in the First World War. In 1919 he married Erna Wilhelmine Sophie Geiger,
Kromolowski, Henriette
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Henriette Kromolowski was born in Katowice in October 1878 as the daughter of the Jewish merchant Adolf Kromolowski and his wife. Her parents lived in good circumstances; she still had four siblings, all of whom attended high school. Henriette Kromolowski remained unmarried; from 1934 she lived together with her sister Erna Grabowski, née Kromolowski, her husband Herbert and their daughter Mirjam at Wartburgstraße 29 in Berlin-Schöneberg. In 1938, the daughter Mirjam emigrated to Palestine.
Krolik, Valeska
Complete profile
Valeska Krolik was born in Berlin on March 20, 1868, the daughter of the merchant Siegmund Krolik and his wife Berta, née Seegall.