Livestock trade Berthold Fleischmann
The house was demolished after 1995 because of its dilapidated condition. In the basement lived Berthold and Ida, in the upper floor daughter Elfriede with her "Aryan" husband Johannes Otto and their son Joachim-Peter. In the yard behind the house there were stables for the cows.
Jewish Museum Vienna - Palais Eskeles
Department store Wilhelm Rosewitz
The department store becomes Apolda's largest trading company until 1937, when it is transferred to the Aryan merchant Friedrich Hustedt through Aryanization. In 1950, it was leased by the state trade organization HO.
City villa Bernhardstraße 34, residential and commercial building of the cattle dealer family Louis Fleischmann, demolished
In the two-story city villa lived the Händler families and also rented out other apartments. Their horse stables were located behind and next to the house.
Mikvah synagogue Hamm/Sieg
Mikveh of the old synagogue in Hamm/Sieg
Jewish cemetery (Wittstock)
As early as 1776, the Jews settled in Wittstock applied for their own burial place. Thereupon in the direction of Kyritz the "old God's Acre" was established, where from 1806 to 1862 altogether 36 grave places were established. However, this was only the front part of today's area.