Neckarremser Straße
71686 Remseck
The Jewish cemetery Hochberg is quite well researched. Because the desquamation of the soft sandstone progressed rapidly, the then municipality of Remseck am Neckar had a photo documentation made as early as 1982. The theologian Ulrike Sill then recorded all 246 gravestones and fragments between 1992 and 1998, recorded the inscriptions and made translations from Hebrew. In particular, she was assisted in this endeavor by Gil Hüttenmeister, a leading Judaist at the University of Tübingen. What had already been lost due to weathering could in many cases be supplemented by studying the files.
The city of Remseck am Neckar then published this 300-page documentation in print in 2003. Gertrud Bolay, former principal in Hochberg, also researched and published the history of the Jewish families who found their final resting place here. Today, the Jewish cemetery Hochberg is owned by the Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Württemberg. After the Jewish communities of Aldingen and Hochberg had already been dissolved in 1872 and 1914, it was still occupied by local Jews until 1925. Older Hochbergers, however, still remembered that a Jewish woman from Waiblingen had been buried here in 1936/37. However, a gravestone does not exist. In 2017, the foundation walls of the Tahara cottage were found in a corner of the cemetery.
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