Jewish cemetery (Schönebeck)

Complete profile

Coming from the direction of Magdeburg, one drives in the direction of the center to a fork, from which it goes half-right to the center of the village and half-left over the railroad into Wilhelm-Heilge-Strasse. From this street one turns into the second possibility to the left, into the Welsleber Str. The third street to the left is the Dorotheenstr., a dead end, at whose end - before the ramp of an overpass over the railroad - the cemetery lies.

Factory for lighting objects and gas fittings - Israel Brothers

Complete profile

The company "Gebrüder Israel" was founded in 1908. Felix Israel, the director of the company "Gebrüder Israel" had a five-story factory built in 1912 at Kohlfurter Straße 41-43 and Kottbusserstraße 10. The company was known at home and abroad as a major exporter of lamps. In addition to lighting fixtures, the company also manufactured gas and water fittings. During the 1st World War, the company also produced pickel hoods. In 1931, as a result of the world economic crisis, the factory owner Felix Israel resigned from his position as director.