Footwear factory - Daniel Nussbaum
Leather and hop store, banking business - Levi Waitzfelder
Levi Waitzfelder was a grandson of the leather merchant Salomon Loew Waitzfelder, who moved from Aufhausen near Bopfingen to Mönchsdeggingen around 1766. From 1861 Levi Waitzfelder was active in Nördlingen as a banker and hop wholesaler. In 1885 Levi Waitzfelder moved his business from Nördlingen to Munich. After his father's death in 1902, his son Kommerzienrat Theodor Waitzfelder continued the successful activities in full vigor. He also made a name for himself as a patron of the arts with donations to the Neue Pinakothek and the Deutsches Museum.
Wine and spirits shop - Schühlein Brothers
Wine wholesaler - Egmont Offenbacher
Bronze and sheet metal factory - Eiermann & Tabor
Livestock business - Moses Rosenfelder
Grain handling - Abraham Blum
Banker - merchant - D.B. Oberdorfer
David Bernhard Oberdorfer is listed in the address book of the city of Nördlingen in 1896 as a banker, merchant and as a glue shop.
Pencil factory - Mayer Hollerbusch
Leather manufacture - Eduard Höchstädter
Eduard Höchstädter received permission to establish a leather trading business in August 1861. Already on July 1, 1860, he had submitted a concession and settlement application for the operation of the leather trade to the city of Nördlingen. Eduard Höchstädter then acquired the house at Schäfflesmarkt 11, which was in a good business location, and successfully operated his leather wholesale business there.