Solomon Eagle Pack

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Salomon Adler-Rudel (also Shalom Adler-Rudel), who was born on June 23, 1894 in Czernowitz in the former Österreich-Hungary, was a social politician and pioneer of Jewish social work in Germany, Österreich, Great Britain and Israel.

Even at a young age, Salomon was politically active. From 1915 to 1918 he was secretary general of Poale Zion, a Zionist-socialist movement in Europe, Palestine, and North and South America.

Siegfried Czapski


Siegfried Czapski led a self-determined life in his time and was very successful, especially professionally. After completing his studies in physics, math and philosophy, he worked in Jena for the company Zeiss and was involved in innovative projects there, such as the technical realization of a binocular microscope based on the idea of the American biologist Horatio S. Greenough and the development of prismatic field scopes. Because of his abilities, Ernst Abbe even declared him his personal assistant in 1884.

Law Firm - Dr. P. Langkopf & Dr. H. Berkowitz

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Horst Egon Berkowitz was born on January 16, 1898 in Königsberg.His parents were David Berkowitz (1855 – 1941) and Esther Ernestine, née Schumacher (1869 – 1943). The couple moved with their four children to Hanover in 1902.Horst Egon Berkowitz had 3 siblings - an older sister - Dagmar, an older brother - Harald (1896) and Gerhard (1901).Like his brother Harald, he also attended the Leibniz Gymnasium and took the emergency A-levels there in 1915, in order to volunteer for the German Army as soon as possible.

Men's and boys' clothing store - Lazarus Spielmann

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In the address book München 1922 is the following entry: Spielmann Lazarus, merchant, Mühlbaurstr.1/2.- men's and boys' clothing store, Klenzestr.33 - branch Neuhauser Str.1Lazarus Spielmann was born on July 18, 1861 in Rzeszow / Galicia. On January 29, 1888 he married Frieda (Freide) Kurzmantel, who was born on December 7, 1866 in Glogow.

The cemetery of Wulfen

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The 300 sqm large cemetery is hidden in the industrial area „Im Köhl“ at the junction of „Auf der Koppel“ with Wienbachstra&szlig. The cemetery „Auf der Koppel“ was bought in 1838  by Abraham Moises. The cemetery was destroyed during the Nazi period, all gravestones are missing. Eight Gräber show a stone border.

The memorial stone at the entrance was designed by Sister Paula (= Tisa von der Schulenburg, Ursulinerin):  "To the memory of our Jüdischen Mitbürger, who became victims of the tyranny in the years 1933-1945.

Tableware and kitchenware store Theodor Rubel

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Theodor Rubel was born on 19.11.1884 in Hochspeyer. 

In World War I he was in the infantry and fought in Flanders, Champagne and at Verdun.

His business, which he built up after the war, was located opposite the so-called "Brown House", where the NSDAP district leadership had its headquarters, so that it was dangerous for the population to shop there already since 1933. When he had to give up his business, he was financially faced with nothing.

Jewish cemetery in the forest cemetery

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The newest of the three Pirmasens Jewish cemeteries is part of the municipal forest cemetery. In four rows so far 64 gravestones lie in the grave field 6, the shortest accessible über the entrance pavilion. This Jewish cemetery was established in 1927 and is still occupied today. Some graves are ornate, but most of the stones are in a simple triangular shape, which were set before the Nazi era and even after the war. Where this shape of gravestones comes from is unclear.

Jewish cemetery Ottostraße

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The Jewish cemetery on Ottostra&szlig is part of the city's Old Cemetery. The Jewish part was established in 1878, when the Jewish community in Pirmasens had grown strongly and the space in the cemetery in Zeppelinstraße was no longer sufficient. Burials took place until the cemetery was closed in 1927 and again in 1933. The original 150 or so graves, some of them very ornate, were almost completely destroyed during the Nazi regime and a pond and a fire shed were built on the grounds. After the war, 17 rescued gravestones could be reinstalled in a row along the cemetery wall.