Leopold Levy Ladies' Coffee Factory

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Leopold Levy was born on April 28, 1873 in Frankfurt (Oder), died on March 9, 1952 in Springfield, PA, USA. Married to Franziska Friede on March 15, 1897 in Berlin. Franziska Friede was born on Oct 2, 1872 in Berlin and died on Aug 30, 1942 in Springfield, PA, USA. Both were buried in Mount Sharon Cemetery, Springfield, Delaware Co, PA, USA


Meseritz synagogue

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The synagogue in Meseritz was built after a fire in the Jewish quarter and is a successor building of the original synagogue. It was built in the late classicist style. Since the synagogue came through the Progromnacht unscathed, but was repurposed as a storage room, it was preserved, but the condition of the building fabric was so bad due to lack of preservation, the Jewish community had to give up the synagogue due to scarce financial resources. Therefore, a private investor converted it into a commercial building.

Painter, illustrator - Edmund Fürst

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Edmund Fürst, born on January 6, 1874 in Berlin - died 1955 in Tel Aviv was a painter, etcher and illustrator.His love for painting was probably already laid in the cradle.His father Gustav Gerson Fürst,who attended the „Berlin Art School“,received an education at the Royal Pattern School in Berlin and studied art in Paris from 1862 to 1870.From 1870 he made his living as a decorative painter,furnishing villas and private homes with wall and ceiling paintings.From 1872 to 1880 and 1892 he participated in the Berlin Academy Exhibitions.From 1881 - 1914 Gustav Gerson Fürst was a member of the

Book and art antiquarian bookshop - Gottlob Heß

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Gottlob Heß was born in Ellwangen on May 21, 1863. His father was the bookseller Moritz Heß, born on May 31, 1823, married to Karoline Weinmann, born on January 20, 1839, from Wallerstein. His grandfather was Isaak He&szlig, born in Lauchheim, who ran the prosperous book and antiquarian shop J. He&szlig in Ellwangen an der Jagst. He was the head of the Israelite community in Lauchheim from an early age and was a champion of equal rights for Jews in Baden Wurttemberg.

The Jewish cemetery in Gartz

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The last burial took place in 1934 or 1935, 1938 the cemetery was partially verwüstet, 1940 took place the forced sale.

It should still be about. 25 gravestones are preserved, probably sämtlich in the rear third of the long and narrow Grundstückss, through the closed entrance gate are only about 5 of them to be made out.


The Jewish cemetery Gardelegen

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On the company property of the merchant Salomon was also created in 1880 a cemetery. which was devastated in 1938. The undestroyed 24 gravestones from there were placed in 1961 in the municipal cemetery in Bismarcker Straße.

Coming from the parking lot on Bismarker Street, you pass a house in the cemetery and turn right in front of the chapel. After a grave field for fallen of the I. World War and the grave of Otto Reuter lies on the left of the way the field with the Jewish gravestones, next to it graves of Cussian prisoners of war 1914/18.

The Jewish cemetery of Werne

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If one enters the cemetery, one finds immediately behind the entrance a large information board with the most important data:

According to the council minutes of the city of Werne from November 1698, further local “vergleitete”*) Jews were buried on the Schüttenwall. The youngest burial took place secretly on 17.07.1942, since at that time a public burial on a Jewish cemetery was forbidden.

Today there are 37 graves and 35 gravestones on the cemetery grounds.