Former synagogue Hemmerden

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Already in 1787 there was a prayer hall in Mauristra;e. In 1859 the synagogue was consecrated here. In 1938 the interior of the synagogue was damaged and destroyed during the November pogrom. Since there was a gasoline depot near the building, the synagogue was not set on fire. Non-Jewish residents feared for the safety of their own homes. After the pogrom, the synagogue was taken out of the possession of the Jewish community and from 1939 was used as accommodation for Polish and Russian prisoners of war. After 1945, the building became private property and was used as a storage shed.

Jewish cemetery Hemmerden

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Already before 1526 there was a Jewish cemetery in Hemmerden. The plot was donated to the community by the sovereign Elisabeth zu Salm-Dyck. When all Jewish inhabitants had to leave the village in that year, the cemetery was abandoned. The old Jewish cemetery of Hemmerden was located at the Stesser Mühle. The land was returned to the original owners in 1826. Schulte gives 1827 as the year of foundation of the new, still existing Jewish cemetery. The database Epidat as well as Pracht-Jürns mention 1813 as another possible year of foundation.

Former synagogue Wevelinghoven

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In the available literature there are references to the existence of Betsälen before the 19th century. Here, however, neither a more precise chronological classification nor a localization is possible. In 1818 the synagogue was established in the rear building of Burgstra&szlig 31. In the course of the 19th century, the number of Jewish residents in Wevelinghoven remained constant. After the anti-Jewish riots in the wake of the so-called Xanten ritual murder affair in 1892, however, some members moved to the surrounding larger towns, so that the community began to shrink.

Old Jewish cemetery Wevelinghoven

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The old cemetery of the Jüdische community of Wevelinghoven, which was established before 1800, no longer exists today. Due to its central location in the town center, it had already become an obstacle in the eyes of the town administration in the middle of the 19th century. In 1864, the Jüdische Gemeinde Wevelinghoven planned to repair the dilapidated cemetery wall, which was to be supported by a grant from the city administration. When the community considered an expansion of the cemetery, the city withdrew the financial support, however.

Department store Binder (Pößneck)

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In the Breite Stra;e 2 stands the residential and business house of the Binder family.

The Binder family was Jewish and owned a popular department store.

David was the businessman and father, Hedwig was the wife of David, Adolf was the son and Esther was the daughter.

Hedwig emigrated to London in 1936 and returned in 1938 after the Reichspogromnacht.On November 9, 1938 David and Adolf were arrested and imprisoned in the concentration camp Buchenwald.

Jewish cemetery Wevelinghoven

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The Jewish cemetery in Wevelinghoven is located at the Zehntstraße opposite the driveway L142. The plot was acquired in 1868 by the Jewish community in Wevelinghoven, after the old Jewish cemetery on today's Oberstrasse had become an obstacle in the eyes of the town council due to its dilapidated wall and its central location in the town. The purchase of the land, which was located far outside the village, was therefore subsidized by the city. A destruction of the cemetery in October 1930 is documented, the perpetrators remain unknown.

Law office - Dr. jur. Leo Lemle

Complete profile

Leo Lemle was born 27.07.1882 in Fischach. His parents were the cattleman Samuel Lemle and Marta Lemle, née Mendle. Leo Lemle married Klara Marta Lemle, née Hirth, born on 30 April 1893 in Sontheim, district of Heilbronn, on 22 July 1926 in Munich. The marriage was considered a mixed marriage. The couple had 3 children - Peter Joseph - born on October 2, 1928 in München and the twins Ernst Otto and Kurt Albert - born on May 30, 1930 in München. After studying in München, Berlin, Kiel and Würzburg, Leo Lemle received his doctorate from the University of Würzburg in 1906.