Jewish cemetery (Trittenheim)

Complete profile
The Jewish Cemetery Trittenheim is a relatively young burial place of the Jews of Trittenheim, a local community in the district of Trier-Saarburg in Rhineland-Palatinate. It is located amidst vineyards, about one and a half kilometers from the village behind a high hedge of bushes. The Jewish cemetery is a protected cultural monument.

Jewish cemetery (Unkel)

Complete profile
The Jewish Cemetery Unkel is a Jewish cemetery in Unkel, a town in the Neuwied district in northern Rhineland-Palatinate. The cemetery is part of the municipal cemetery Am Hohen Weg/corner of Simon-Levy-Straße. It has been a protected cultural monument since 1989.[1]

Jewish cemetery (Vallendar)

Complete profile
The Jewish cemetery in Vallendar, a town in the district of Mayen-Koblenz in Rhineland-Palatinate, was established after the First World War. The Jewish cemetery, on the property Kirchhohl 2, is a protected cultural monument. Curiously, there is a single-family house on the property of the cemetery, which was built after 1945. The entrance gate to the property is open and the two parts of the cemetery are separated from the rest of the property by a hedge.