Synagogue Nordecker Street (Allendorf/Lumda)
Initially there was a prayer hall or a first synagogue. A (new) synagogue was built in 1844, respectively in a purchased building. The building probably also housed the religious school and the teacher's apartment. The synagogue building was a two-story half-timbered house.
Until 1938, the synagogue served as the center of Jewish life in Allendorf. Even before the November pogrom in 1938, the building was sold. Nevertheless, during the November pogrom the interior was completely destroyed.
Synagogue Am Mühlenweg (Sontra)
After the pogrom night in 1938, the Jewish community dissolved Last use: residential
Synagogue Reichensachsen (part of Wehrtal) Herrengasse
Synagogue Netra (part of Ringgau) Brauhausstraße
Synagogue Nesselröden (district of Herleshausen) Am Wilden Graben
Synagogue Hebenshausen (part of Neu-Eichenberg)
In the middle of the 18th century there is the first report of a synagogue in the village. Since the so-called ,old synagogue‘ had been close to collapse in 1850 because of the length of its existence, the community planned the construction of a new synagogue Since the financial resources of the few Jewish families were not sufficient, the community asked by an appeal in the "Der treue Zionswächter" of 31. May 1850, for collections to finance the new building. If also without gewünschten tower, took place approx.