Profaned synagogue Bílina / Bývalá židovská synagoga

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In 1895, the Jüdische Kultusgemeinde Bilin acquired a residential building and converted it into a synagogue. On the second floor, a prayer hall was established, where services were held until 1938. The interior rooms and the interior of the synagogue were destroyed as a result of the Nazi occupation and the anti-Jewish campaign in November 1938. The synagogue building has been structurally preserved and, after several reconstructions, has since served as a residential building. The profaned synagogue is located at ul. Teplická 116/24.

Berta Maier

Complete profile

Berta Maier, née Weil was born on November 18, 1874. She was married to Otto Maier, owner of a textile business and branch manager of the Aalen Volksbank in Lauchheim. When Otto Maier died in 1935 as a result of the First World War, the widow continued the business alone. In 1938 she was forced to sell the business and the house. Subsequently, Berta Maier lived in Sontheim in the Israelite asylum and old people's home. On November 19, 1940, she was transferred to the Jewish (forced) old people's home in Herrlingen-Oberstotzingen.

Jewish cemetery Bilina / Bilin

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The Jüdische cemetery in Bílina / Bilin  was established in 1891 and consecrated on April 5, 1892 by Rabbi Dr. Adolf Kurrein from Teplice/Teplitz. It is located right next to the Catholic Cemetery.  The Chewra Kadischa (burial society) was founded in 1895. The cemetery, which was severely damaged by the Nazis in 1938, has been preserved to this day, but parts of it have fallen into disrepair.

Regine Pappenheimer

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Regine Wassermann was born on February 20, 1863 in Lauchheim. Her parents were Julius Wassermann and Babette Wassermann,née Levi. Regine Wassermann married Seligmann Pappenheimer, who was the school administrator in Lauchheim since 1884. The couple lived at this time in a (teacher's) apartment in the Judenschule (Biennerstr.15). In 1889 the family moved to Bad Mergentheim, where Seligmann Pappenheimer found a new job as teacher and cantor.

Iron,Metals,Machines - Albert Sander

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Albert Sander, born in 1869 was married to Margarete Sander. Albert Sander had a trading business for iron, metals and machinery. On March 31, 1942 Albert Sander was deported to Warsaw together with his daughter Sidonie, born in 1901. There their trace is lost. The fate of Albert and Sidonie Sander is commemorated by two Stolpersteine in Münster at Salzstraße 21. Margarete Sander is buried in the Jewish cemetery in Münster.

Banking business - B. J. Friedheim & Co.

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The origins of the banking business B. J. Friedheim & Co. go back to 1847. The princely court agent Baruch Jakob Friedheim, who founded a drapery business together with his brother in 1795, received the princely privilege to establish a loan house in 1799. In 1847 Baruch Jakob received permission from Duke Heinrich von Anhalt-Küthen to establish a savings bank. In 1872, Felix Friedheim, a grandson of the company founder, joined the company as a partner.

Bankhaus - S. Japhet & Co.

Complete profile

In the Berlin address book edition 1923 the following entry can be found: Japhet & Co.,Kommandit-Gesellschaft Nachf., S.,W56, Markgrafenstr.56a. T.    -  Saemy Japhet was born in Frankfurt am Main. At the age of 15 he received an apprenticeship as a banker at a German bank. After a few years in London, he founded the S. Japhet & Company banking house. Saemy Japhet was a famous banker and philanthropist. He contributed to a number of Jewish causes and took a keen interest in the development of Palestine, although he never identified with the Zionist organization.