The mikvah of Worms

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The mikvah is located in the garden of the synagogue. It was built in the years 1184 to 1186 in the Romanesque style. It is one of the äoldest preserved ritual baths in the world. An above-ground bathhouse, demolished in the 19th century, also in Romanesque style, probably also served the Säuberung.

Today, a staircase leads to a narrow antechamber, which probably served as a changing niche. From there, a semicircular curved staircase leads seven meters down to the water level. The mirror is today at seven meters from the ground surface.

Aniline Dyes Factory - Leopold Cassella & Co.

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The origins of Leopold Cassella & Co. G.m.b.H. go back to 1798 in Frankfurt. At that time, David Lüb Caßel, who was born in Friedberg on December 8, 1766, founded the Caßel & Reiß " specialty goods business with his brother-in-law Isaac Elias Reiß in Frankfurt's Judengasse. When Ludwig Aaron Gans, who had joined the business in 1822, married Rosette Goldschmidt, daughter of Leopold Cassela's sister, who had joined his family due to his childless marriage, Ludwig Aaron Gans became a partner in the business. Together they founded the trading company Leopold Cassella & Co.

Ladies clothing store - Isaak Klein

Complete profile

Isaak Klein was born on July 29, 1846 in Poppenlauer. His wife was Sophie Cromwell, born in Gunzenhausen. The couple married on August 4,1879 and had four children - Lina, born on 7.Jni 1880 in Poppenlauer, - Gerdi, born on 15.März 1882 in Poppenlauer, - Siegfried, born on. May 30, 1884 in Gunzenhausen, - Theodor, born March 3, 1886 in Gunzenhausen. The couple ran a ladies' clothing store at Gerberstra;e 7 and lived at Burgstallstra;e 1. The two daughters Lina and Gerdi married and lived in Berlin.

Store for gallantry goods - J. Blumenstein

Complete profile

Joseph Blumenstein was born on 11.04.1828. The parents were Enslein Blumenstein and Getti, née Bernheimer. Joseph Blumenstein, a merchant and master weaver, was married to Doris Dormitzer, born in Baiersdorf on Oct. 12, 1837. In 1863 the couple bought the house - Am Marktplatz 5 -  and ran a weaving mill and a cut goods and hop trade in it. After the death of Joseph Blumenstein in 1891, the widow continued to run the business as a gallantry shop until 1915. Subsequently, four daughters continued to run the business as a manufactory and ready-made clothing store.

Jewish cemetery Gleidingen

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The cemetery at the Stichstra;e "Am Judenfriedhof", an extension of the Dammackerweg, probably exists since at least 1749. The first ascertainable burial, the gravestone Levi Selig, points to the year 1840. The jüngste gravestone was for a long time that of the couple Arnold and Else Frank, who were buried here in 1936 and 1938. From the time before the Second World War, a total of 52 graves with 51 gravestones are preserved.

Jewish cemetery at the northern cemetery (former central cemetery) Hildesheim

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The Jewish cemetery on the Peiner Landstra;e is located directly at the city's North Cemetery (former Central Cemetery). Created  he was in 1891 and is occupied he since 1896 until today. 

The new creation of a central Begräbnisstätte took place after a decision of the Hildesheim magistrate to close all innerstädtischen Friedhöfe. This decision also affected the old Jewish cemetery at the Teichstra;e.