Jewish Community Worms Heppenheim a. d. Wiese

Complete profile

In Heppenheim an der Wiese Jews could settle probably since the beginning of the 18th century  1722 two Jewish families were in the place, 1743 one family. They initially attended synagogues in Grünstadt and Horchheim. By 1924, when there were still 28 Jüdische residents (in 11 families; 1.75% of a total of about 1,600 residents), the heads of the congregation were Moritz Klein II and Ludwig Salomon. The community belonged to the district rabbinate in Worms. In 1933, there were still 30 Jewish residents. Due to the increasing reprisals and the consequences of the economic boycott, some decided to emigrate, others moved within Germany.

Literatur (letzter Zugriff am 21.06.18) (letzter Zugriff am 21.06.18) (letzter Zugriff am 21.06.18)
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