Friedrich-Hofmann-Straße 7
98693 Ilmenau
At the residential building of the Jewish Gronner family in Friedrich-Hofmann-Strasse 7, there has been a memorial plaque since July 1993, erected by John Gronner, who lives in the USA, in memory of his parents, with the inscription: "This business building was built in 1929 by Samuel and Helene Gronner on the site of the former Ilmenau parish office. The Nazi regime of violence deported both of them to certain death in the East on May 5, 1942. This plaque serves their memory and as a constant reminder to future generations of human and mutual tolerance. Date of dedication July 1993."
Samuel Gronner was treasurer of the Jewish community in 1932. Temporarily he lived at number 3, but then moved to the newly built house, number 7.
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