Otto-Müller-Straße 3
02826 Görlitz
51.152434497248, 14.991662424165
On the edge of the city park on Otto-Müller-Strasse, the Jewish community built its house of worship, the Görlitz synagogue, in 1909-1911 in impressive Art Nouveau style. The synagogue, inaugurated in 1911, is the only one in Saxony that survived the pogrom night of 1938 undamaged and has been preserved until today. Built according to the plans of the famous Dresden architects Lossow & Kühne, after the end of the pending renovation, the synagogue serves for events that respect the history and former purpose of the building or are related to the purpose for which the synagogue was once built. Source: Kulturbüro Görlitz
With a ceremony was held on July 12, 2021, the New Synagogue after decades of extensive renovation to the public.
In her speech, the Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters, who was present, honored the Görlitz synagogue (cit.) as an authentic place of remembrance of the history of Judaism in Germany and as part of our cultural heritage.
March 7, 1911 Inauguration ceremony
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Import Quelle
Desecrated during the Progrom Night on November 9, 1938, the Görlitz Synagogue is orphaned
10. November 1938
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Import Quelle
Reopening after 30 years of extensive renovation as the Cultural Forum Synagogue Görlitz
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Re-erection of the Magen David on the roof of the Görlitz Synagogue
12. September 2022
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Gedenkstätten für die Opfer der Nationalsozialisten Teil 2 Ulrike Puvogel (Redaktion), Stefanie Endlich, Nora Goldenbogen, Beatrix Herlemann, Monika Kahl, Regina Scheer Puvogel, 1999 1999 Bonn Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 3-89331-391-5
Zeugnisse Jüdischer Kultur Klaus Arlt, Ingrid Ehlers, Alfred Etzold, Kerstin Antje Fahning, Angelika Hergt, Bernd-Lutz Lange, Wolfgang Madai, Reinhard Schmook, Frank Schröder, Heinrich Simon, Cornelia Zimmermann Arlt, Ehlers u.a., 1992 1992 Berlin Tourist Verlag 3-350-00780-5
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