Große Münzenstraße 15 (Hinterhof)
14776 Brandenburg an der Havel
" (...) Firemen (carried) several gasoline canisters (inside) and subsequently the fire developed into a large fire. (...) In front of the entrance to the synagogue stood a tall SS man in uniform, (...) but I suspect that this was the former Lord Mayor Dr. Sievers." This statement was made by the eyewitness Otto Leppin, who had to observe this horror scenario in the night of 9/10 November 1938 in the house opposite. After years of research, it turned out that this atrocity against the Jewish community was carried out under the direction of Dr. Sievers. The further history of the synagogue remained unexplored for years. The principal of the Evangelisches Gymnasium am Dom zu Brandenburg (Protestant High School at the Cathedral in Brandenburg) and a group of students made it their task to fill the gap in the history. After two years of intensive research, a true-to-scale reconstruction of the former synagogue was created. A great help in the reconstruction was the still standing, south wall of the synagogue, which is part of the schoolyard of today's Frederic Joliot Curie School. Respectful treatment of the monument is a principle of the school to this day. We had the chance to talk to a teacher and seven sixth graders about how they deal with it in everyday school life and to determine any advantages and disadvantages. The students tell us about their attitude towards the synagogue wall, for example, they are not allowed to lean against it or throw balls against it.