37073 Göttingen
The synagogue in Unteren Masch Street was built between the years 1896-1872, after the synagogue in Prinzen Street was in poor condition and the number of members of the Jewish community had increased sharply. The building has 200 seats. In 1895 the synagogue was consecrated after it was expanded to 450 seats due to influx of Jews from Göttingen.
During the November pogrom on November 9, 1938, the synagogue was set on fire and completely destroyed. The ruins of the synagogue were also blown up and a year after the pogrom the site was leveled. The Jewish community in Göttingen slowly dwindled during the Nazi period, by the end of 1938 it numbered only 200 people.
In 1960, a memorial plaque was erected at the site of the synagogue in Untere-Masch-Strasse in memory of the Jewish community of Göttingen. Its inscription reads: "At this place stood the synagogue of the Jewish community of Göttingen, it became a victim of the National Socialist racial mania on November 9, 1938. In 1939, the community still had 196 members. This was destroyed except for a few. To the memory of the dead. To the living as a reminder. The city of Göttingen."
At the corner of Obere/Untere Maschstraße, a memorial was inaugurated in 1973 on the 35th anniversary of the November pogrom night at the site of the former synagogue. The steel and plastic memorial resembles a Star of David in its twisted form. A concrete wall accompanying it bears the inscription, "Mountains will depart and hills will waver, but my grace will not depart from you." Isaiah 54:10. In memory of the synagogue burned down in 1938 and the suffering of the Jewish community of Göttingen. City of Göttingen. Designed by Prof. Corrado Cagli, Rome. Inaugurated on November 9, 1973. (The biblical text is in Hebrew.)"