34508 Willingen (Upland)
In Eimelrod existed a small Jewish community from the 18th century until 1938. In 1830 there were 34 Jewish inhabitants in the village, in 1871 there were only 10 (out of a total of 307 inhabitants), and in 1895 and 1905 there were 15 (out of 401 and 417, respectively). In 1924 there were 20 (out of a total of 486 inhabitants), and in 1933 there were still 14 Jewish people living in Eimelrod (out of a total of 484 inhabitants). After that, some of them moved away or emigrated. In 1939, only two Jewish residents lived in the village, who were deported in 1941 via the "Sammellager" in Wrexen.
.On community facilities existed a synagogue, a religious school, a ritual bath and a cemetery of 11.38 ares area. The small synagogue was probably built around 1780. It had 24 seats for men, 16 for women. It had no electric light, and lighting was provided by stall lanterns. Even after the number of Jewish residents rapidly decreased after 1933, services were still occasionally held in the synagogue until 1938. During the November pogrom in 1938, the building was completely destroyed; the burnt ruins were demolished in 1939.
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