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There was a Jewish community in Ihringen until 1938. The community can be traced back to 1716, when, as a result of the expulsions of Jews in Switzerland and Alsace, there was the first documented report of Jews being accepted in the town. The members of the community belonged to the rabbinate of Breisach and were able to establish a cemetery together with the Emmendingen and Eichstetten Jews in Emmendingen from 1721. In 1738 the community consisted of 10 families and had its prayer room in a private building. When this was sold in 1760, they began building a synagogue in the same year. The congregation grew steadily until the middle of the 18th century and reached its maximum in 1852 with 263 worshippers. From 1810 the community had its own cemetery. Then, around 1860, the new synagogue in Bachenstraße was planned and built. The architect was Georg Jakob Schneider from Freiburg, who planned and built several synagogues in the Freiburg area. In 1925 the community still had 125 members.
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