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Historically, Bonn, like the entire Rhineland, has been Roman Catholic. In the 20th century, the denominational affiliation of Bonn's population changed considerably. While in 1925 more than 80 percent of the inhabitants were still Roman Catholics, by the end of the 1990s the proportion had almost halved. On December 31, 2015, 36.3 percent of residents professed Roman Catholicism and 20.3 percent the Protestant faith. The largest group, 43.4 percent of residents, belongs to no or other denomination.[1] On December 31, 2014, 36.9 percent of residents professed the Roman Catholic faith and 20.8 percent the Protestant faith.[2] One-third of people living in Bonn belong to another or no denomination. An estimated 30,000 Muslims live in Bonn, which corresponds to about 9.4 percent of the population.[2]
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