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26553 Dornum
53.647689, 7.4287235
The Jewish community in Dornum existed over a period of about 300 years from its beginnings in the 17th century until its end on March 8, 1940. In 1925, the Jews in Dornum represented the highest percentage of the population in East Frisia with 7.3%. Jews first settled in the Dornum dominion after the Thirty Years' War, after the dominion owners were granted the privilege of issuing their own letters of protection by Count Rudolf Christian in 1626. From then on, the Jews participated in local life and were members of various village associations. Excluded and persecuted after 1933, many Jews emigrated. Over 50% of the Jewish inhabitants living in Dornum in 1933 were murdered in the Holocaust. None of the surviving Dornum Jews returned.
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