Complete profile
The Jewish community in Esens existed over a period of about 300 years from its beginnings in the 17th century until its end on July 31, 1941. The Harlingerland consisting of the old boroughs of Esens, Stedesdorf and Wittmund was an independent territory until its unification with the county of East Frisia in 1600. Jewish communities existed here only in Wittmund and Esens. The Jewish community of Wittmund seems to have been the oldest in Harlingerland. In any case, the Jews from Esens initially had to bury their dead in the Jewish cemetery in Wittmund. After the unification of Harlingerland with East Frisia, Esens served as a second residence for the counts and princes of East Frisia. The settlement of the first Jews is also likely to date from the period after 1600. A first documentary mention is dated 1637. In 1827 a synagogue was built. In 1925, Jews made up 3.4 percent of the population in Esens. This was the fourth highest percentage in East Frisia. After the Nazis seized power, the exodus of Esens Jews began. On March 9, 1940, the last citizens of Jewish faith deregistered with the town administration. Finally, the history of the Jews in Esens ended with the dissolution of the Jewish religious association e. V. on July 31, 1941.
Ehemalige Synagoge in Esens mit dem jüdischen Schulhaus (im Hintergrund). Das Gebäude der Synagoge wird heute als Garage genutzt
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