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26826 Weener
53.166652, 7.349938625371
The Jewish community in Weener existed from the 17th century until April 7, 1942. According to the statute of July 31, 1921, the community included those Jews who lived in Weener, Weenermoor, St. Georgiwold, Kirchborgum, Holthusen, Smarlingen, Tichelwarf, Stapelmoor, Diele, Vellage and Halte. The Jews in Weener represented one of the highest percentages of the Jewish population in East Frisia, in relation to the population of the village; in 1925 the percentage was 3.5% of the total population of Weener. Jews first settled in the village towards the end of the Thirty Years' War, took part in local life and were members of various village associations. Excluded and persecuted after 1933, many of them emigrated. At least 48 Jewish inhabitants were murdered in the Holocaust. After the Second World War, only one returned Jew lived in Weener.
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