Jewish community Ulm

Complete profile
A Jewish community in Ulm already existed in the High Middle Ages, had great economic importance in the 14th century and ceased to exist in 1499 with the ban on Jews in Ulm. After the mediatization of the imperial city in 1803 and the transition of Ulm to the Kingdom of Württemberg in 1810, Jews were able to settle again and from 1856 formed an independent Israelite religious community. In the second half of the 19th century, the community grew to almost 700 people due to the influx of families from Jewish rural communities. The Jews of Ulm took an active part in the public life of the city and produced some important personalities. The most important Jew born in Ulm was Albert Einstein. The Jewish community found its decline in the wake of hostility towards Jews and the deportation of German Jews during the Nazi period. After 1990, with the resettlers from Eastern Europe, more Jews again moved to Ulm, and since 1999 they have again been served by a rabbi. In 2002, the Jewish community was re-established as a branch community of Stuttgart and a new Jewish community center with a prayer room was inaugurated on May 5 of the same year. Today, the Jewish community comprises about 450 citizens of Ulm.
Portal der Alten Synagoge mit der Inschrift:Mein Haus heiße ein Bethaus für alle Völker.
Portal of the Old Synagogue with the inscription:My house is called a house of prayer for all peoples.
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