Jewish life in Guntersblum? This is especially evident in the Rhine-Hessian wine-growing community when descendants of Jews from Guntersblum come to visit from all over the world: they reminisce about the memories of their parents, grandparents and relatives. Of the once 50 Jews who had lived in Guntersblum before National Socialism, only one survived (a mother with her Christian daughter, who had been hidden by courageous friends of the family) - all the others had been driven into flight or death. They had made their mark on the village as wine merchants or sole traders, as members of associations or local councils: the former synagogue, the village community center - once built as a gymnasium by the Jewish architect Siegfried Monat, the Jewish cemetery bear witness to this. The memory of Jewish life in Guntersblum was revived only later: in the 1990s, the retired Protestant pastor Dieter Michaelis began to reconstruct Jewish history by means of archival research, conversations with contemporary witnesses and source work. Well documented it is so by Dieter Michaelis' work in various publications to read. Today maintains the Stolpersteingruppe this memory: started with research and the organization of the laying of more than 20 Stolpersteine since 2011, with events and readings, with Aufklärung and memory work in school and church children and youth groups.
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Weiterführender Link
Michaelis, Dieter/ Hager-Latz, Jutta, Der Jüdische Friedhof Guntersblum, Worms 2002
Michaelis, Dieter, Die Jüdische Gemeinde Guntersblum: Von den Anfängen bis zur Vernichtung durch den Nationalsozialismus, Berlin 2014
Verein zur Erhaltung Guntersblumer Kulturgutes e.V. (Hrsg.), Stolpersteine in Guntersblum, Guntersblum 2011
Kellerhoff, Sven-Felix, Ein ganz normales Pogrom: November 1938 in einem deutschen Dorf, Stuttgart 2018
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