Schloßstraße 12
Baden Württemberg
70174 Stuttgart
The Stuttgart address book from 1933 contains the following entries: Nägele Alice, Frau, Dr. med., Ärztin für Hautkrankheiten, Schloße 12 A., - Nägele Reinhold, Kunstmaler, Schloßstraße 12A, - Atelier Schloßstraße 12 B. - Reinhold Nägele was born in Murrhardt on August 17, 1884. He was married to Alice Nägele-Nördlinger, born on February 25, 1890 in Stuttgart, daughter of the merchant Sigmund Nördlinger and his wife Helene, née Schlüchterer. On October 23, 1921, Reinhold Nögele married the dermatologist Alice Nördlinger. The couple lived at Schloße 12A, where Alice Nägele's practice was located (joint practice with Dr. Edgar Heilbronner) and Reinhold Nägele's studio was located at Schloße 12B. When the National Socialists came to power in 1933, Dr. Alice Nägele lost her public health insurance license. She retained her private practice until April 1, 1938. In 1937, Reinhold Nägele was expelled from the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts and was banned from practicing and exhibiting. The ban on contact imposed by the National Socialists on the Nägele family was not without consequences. As early as 1938, the couple took their three sons to safety in England. Son Thomas Nägele attended Brighton College from April 1938. The couple themselves moved to Murrhardt in 1938 and prepared to emigrate. On August 25, 1939, Reinhold and Alice Nägele fled to London via Paris. They finally emigrated to the USA at the end of 1939. Attempts to have Alice Nägele´s mother Helene Nördlinger join them failed. She was deported from the Nordbahnhof in Stuttgart to Theresienstadt on August 22, 1942 at the age of 80 and deported from there to the Treblinka extermination camp on September 29, 1942. Whether she died there or on the way there remains unclear. Alice Nägele died on March 26, 1961 in New York. After the death of his wife, Reinhold Nägele returned to Germany in 1963. He died on April 30, 1972.

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