Schillerstraße 30
30159 Hannover
The address book of the city of Hanover from 1870 contains the following entry:Simon Alexander, Banqiergeschäft,Inhaber: Alexander und Moritz Simon,Schillerstraße 30.p. - Alexander Simon was born on July 4, 1798 in Memmelsdorf.He was married to Fanny Simon, née Worms, who was born in Frankfurt am Main in January 1804. The couple had seven children: Hirsch Simon, born on March 21, 1834, Meyer Simon, born on February 23, 1835, Simon Simon, born on October 10, 1836, Moritz Alexander (Moses) Simon, born on November 20, 1837, Adolph (Wolf) Simon, born on June 11, 1840, Julius Simon, born on June 11, 1840.June 1840, Julius Simon, born on May 21, 1843 and Helene Simon, born on August 21, 1845. Moritz Alexander learned the profession of a banker in the banking house of the Hanoverian court banker Ezechiel Simon. From 1858-1863 he worked at a bank in New York, where he also became acquainted with the misery of the Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.In April 1863, he applied for citizenship in Hanover and was registered as a banker. On July 16, 1863, together with his father, he founded the banking, money exchange and collection business Alexander Simon and became its manager. He was a member of the supervisory board of Deutsche Pulverfabrik in Walsrode and Tivoli AG in Hanover. In 1884, he founded the "Verein zur Fürderung des Gartenbau- und Handfertigungsunterrichts in Jüdischen Volksschulen" (Association for the Promotion of Horticulture and Handicraft Instruction in Jüdische Volksschulen) and endowed it with a plot of land on the Ohestraße. In 1892, it became a youth-oriented company. This became a Jüdische teacher training college with an adjoining area for gardening lessons.In the same year, he bought a much larger plot of land on the outskirts of the village of Ahlem near Hanover and opened the Israelite Educational Institute in Ahlem near Hanover (renamed the Israelite Horticultural School Ahlem in 1919) to improve the living conditions of his Jewish fellow citizens.In 1898, he sold his company to Dresdner Bank and Ahlem became the center of his life as early as 1895. On January 29, 1905, Alexander Moritz Simon died in a fatal swimming accident.

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