Eberhardstraße 65
Baden Württemberg
70173 Stuttgart
The address book of the city of Stuttgart from 1875 contains the following entries: Cahn & Weilmann, en gros - business in mercerie and haberdashery. Eberhardstraße 65.p. Their apartment: Olgastraße 61 (See also Kahn) - Kahn, Fritz Maier, merchant, Olgastraße 61. 2. - Kahn Gebr., Ro&sz;haarhandlung en gros, Olgastra&sz;e 61. - p. u. Hhs. - Kahn Jette, Kaufmanns-We., Olgastraße 61. 2. - Weilmann Fanny, Kaufmanns-We., Olgastraße 61. 2. - Meier Kahn was born on March 20, 1806 in Freudenthal. He was married to Jette (Jitel) Levi, who was born in Freudenthal on May 15, 1920. The couple had a daughter, Fanny (Vögele), born on April 20, 1839 in Freudenthal. Fanny Kahn was married to Isidor Weilmann, born on May 19, 1831 in Worms. The couple had four children - Sigmund Weilmann, born on May 20, 1860 in Stuttgart - died on August 12, 1932 - Moritz Weilmann, born on October 16, 1861 in Stuttgart - died on April 15, 1887 in Stuttgart, - Anna Weilmann, married name Reifenberg, born on April 13, 1863 in Stuttgart. She was married to Hermann Reifenberg and died in New York and Clementine Weilmann, married name Gruenwald, born on July 30, 1864 in Stuttgart. She was married to Rudolph Marx Grünwald, born on June 30, 1857 in Nordstetten. Clementine died on April 27, 1933 in Stuttgart.
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