Fürther Straße 28
90429 Nürnberg
The following entries can be found in the Nuremberg address book from 1876: Weinberg B., Kaufmann.Wittwe, Theresienstr.16, - Weinberger M., Großhandel, Josephsplatz 16, - Weinberger Meier, Kaufmann, Josephsplatz 16, - Schloß Leonh., Papierhändler, Tucherstr. 15 ( M. Weinberger´s successor ), - Kohlmann Lazarus, Papierhändler, Tucherstr. 15 ( M. Weinberg`s successor ). - Company founder around 1851 was M. Weinberg, who owned the company until 1868. In 1868 the company passed to the nephews Mr. Bernhard Schloß and Lazarus Kohlmann. Since 1912 there was a branch in Stuttgart. 1921 saw the merger of "M. Weinbergs Nachf. " with the company "Edmund Bendheim", founded in 1889, which then went on to produce paraffinized paper itself.
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