Corneliusstraße 6
80469 München
The Munich address book of 1860 contains the following entry: Steinhardter Samuel, Rauhwaaren-Händler, Marienplatz 2 - The address book of the city of Munich from 1891 contains the following entries: Steinharter S., Großhdl. in Häuten, Fellen u. Wolle, Compt. Corneliusstr.6, (T) Lagerhaus - äuß. Birkenau 3 (T). - Steinharter Alex, wholesaler in company S. Steinharter Corneliusstr. 6, - Steinharter Bertha, Privatiers-Wttw. Corneliusstr.6, - Steinharter Josef, wholesaler in company S. Steinharter am Einlaß1, - Steinharter Sigm., wholesaler in company S. Steinharter, Müllerstr.28 (T) - The beginnings of the company go back to the year 1862, where the Bavarian Courier, München edition, 6. November 1862 in the announcements the following note - The merchant Samuel Steinhardter in Deggingen (today Mönchsdeggingen) is the owner of the rough goods trade existing under the name " Samuel Steinhardter " in München and has his main branch in München l.d.J. He has a branch in Deggingen, district office Nördlingen.
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