Complete profile

Bardowicker Straße 4
21335 Lüneburg

53.250739, 10.408965

In 1906, the family Adolf and Hulda Schickler moved from Nienburg to Lüneburg. They took over the house at Bardowicker Straße 4 from Louis Rosenbaum, who had run a household goods store here. The Schicklers now set up a specialty store for shoes and men's clothing, which soon became a permanent fixture and a very popular place to shop in Lüneburg. The family lived above the store. All the children worked in the shop at times. In 1928, son Harry Schickler took over the business. Adolf and Hulda also left their home to the next generation and moved to Schillerstraße 42, although they continued to work in the business occasionally. The November pogroms of 1938 brutally ended the centuries-long presence of Jewish merchants in Lüneburg. On the night of November 9/10, Nazi activists smashed all the windows of Schicklers and the nearby Gubi department store and vandalized the store doors. They also set fire to Schickler's. Adolf Schickler and his son Harry were arrested together with nine other Jewish Lüneburg men. They were initially held in the court prison at the market and deported to Sachsenhausen concentration camp the next day. Adolf and later Harry Schickler were only released from the concentration camp so that they could seal the forced sale of their house and business at Bardowickerstraße 4 with their signatures. Afterwards, completely robbed and disenfranchised, they were told to leave the country as quickly as possible, and the Schicklers' four children managed to flee Germany. Adolf and Hulda Schickler stayed behind at first, but also tried to escape. It was no longer possible for them. In March 1942, the Nazi regime forced them to move to the „Judenhaus“ Im Kreise 24 in Celle. On May 7, 1943, they were deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto/camp. Adolf Schickler died on May 12, 1943, shortly after arriving there. His widow Hulda survived for almost 2 years in Theresienstadt. She died on January 8, 1945 as a result of years of malnutrition and untreated illnesses.

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