Seligenthaler Str. 38
84034 Landshut
The two Ansbacher families lived in this house from 1932: the Fritz Nathan Ansbacher family and the Guido (Gustav Ansbacher) family with their children. The Ansbacher family ran the textile house "M. and W. Ansbacher", first in the old town and later on the Isargestade. The family originally came from Leutershausen near Ansbach and moved to Landshut in the fall of 1932, which they knew through business contacts and where anti-Semitism was not as great as in the Ansbach area.
Only the Guido Ansbacher family (later Anson) was able to flee to Scotland in 1939, as other relatives were already living in Great Britain. After the Aryanization, the remaining family (of Fritz Nathan Ansbacher) lived temporarily at today's Innere Münchner Str. 12. From 10 February 1942 - 1 April 1942, Fritz Nathan and his family lived at Seligenthaler Str. 60, only a few houses away from their former home.
Unfortunately, Fritz Nathan Ansbacher's family fell victim to the Nazis, with the parents and daughter committing suicide on the night of March 31 to April 1, 1942. The two sons, Max and Wilhelm Ansbacher, were arrested in April 1942 and later died in a concentration camp. More detailed information about these families in the videos or in the links of the association "Stolpersteine Landshut e. V."
Detailed information in English by Steven Anson (son of Martin Ansbacher) on the family history of the Ansbacher/Anson family (c) "Gathering the Voices"
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