Faulerstraße 12
Baden Württemberg
79098 Freiburg
The following entry can be found in the address book of the capital Freiburg im Breisgau from 1922: Darnbacher & Maier, Därme, Gewürze, Metzgereiartikel, Faulerstr. 12a 1. - The business was founded in 1929 by the families Fritz Darnbacher and Moritz Maier. However, as early as 1933, there were calls for a boycott of local Jewish businesses - including the Darnbacher & Maier store. Fritz Darnbacher moved to Alsace with his family and tried to build up a new existence there. Moritz Maier tried to continue the business in Freiburg. At the beginning of the Second World War, Fritz Darnbacher was forced to flee with his family to the interior of France and start all over again. Moritz Maier's business was aryanized in 1938. One of Moritz and Rita Maier's sons had already been abroad for several years. Daughter Irene Maier emigrated to Australia in 1938. Moritz and Rita Maier managed to emigrate to Montevideo in Uruguay. Both Fritz Darnbacher and Moritz Maier died early.
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