Promenadeplatz 14
80333 München
The following entry can be found in the 1885 edition of the München address book: Schülein J. Söhne, Bank- und Wechselgeschäft, Promenadestraße 14 (T) u. im neuen Schlachthaus und Viehhof. - The roots of the " Bankhaus J. Schülein Söhne " go back to the Thalmessing-born Joel Schülein, operator of a fabric store, married to Jeanette Gunzenhäuser from Feuchtwangen.Joel Schülein, who wanted to take advantage of the new opportunity for himself and his family that arose with the abolition of the so-called Matriculation Treaty in 1861 and was looking for a change combined with economic and social advancement, founded the company " J. Schülein Söhne " Unfortunately, Joel Schülein was not able to further advance the development of the " Bankhaus J.Schülein Söhne ".1867 he fell ill with typhoid fever during a business trip to Munich and died of it at the age of 45.Just a few months after the death of her husband, Jeanette Schülein sold her store in Thalmessing and moved to Munich.Left to her own devices, Jeanette Schülein was now the driving force behind Bankhaus J. Schülein Söhne, supporting her three eldest sons Jacob, Joseph and Gustav in building up the newly founded company in Munich.At the age of sixty, Jeanette Schülein retired from the business into private life, and in a life annuity agreement with her three older sons, she bequeathed them a further 25,000 marks from her private estate.Julius, the youngest of the brothers, also received a corresponding amount invested at a fixed interest rate with the company J. Schülein & Sühne until the age of 25. With the purchase, development and expansion of the Schwaig Brewery into the Union Brewery, another success story as entrepreneurs began for the Schülein brothers and brother-in-law Joseph Aischberg. converted into a public limited company, followed by the takeover of the Kindl Brewery in 1905 and the merger with the Lüwenbrauerei in 1922.
The forced return/emigration of the Schülein family took place between 1933 and 1938.
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