Grimmstraße 4
80336 München
The following entry can be found in the address book of the city of Munich and the surrounding area for the year 1928: Cahn Emil, Hauptvertreter,Grimmstr. 4/1 - Emil Cahn was born on August 4, 1861 in Wertheim. His parents were the merchant Moritz Cahn and Johanna Cahn, née Friedmann. Emil Cahn married Selma Weil, who was born in Oberdorf on February 9, 1867, on November 29, 1887 in Oberdorf (today Bopfingen-Oberdorf). Selma's parents were the factory owner Moses Michael Weil and Anna Weil, née Guggenheimer.the couple had four children - Stephanie, born on August 26, 1888 in Wertheim, - Marie, born on February 27, 1891 in Wertheim, - Martin, born on April 18, 1896 in Stuttgart and Johanna, born on May 12, 1905 in München.Emil Cahn was a business general agent - main representative. Emil Cahn was a member of the synagogue choir and the Jewish choral society in the Israelite community of Munich. His wife Selma died in Stuttgart on October 5, 1941. Emil Cahn was deported from Stuttgart to Theresienstadt on August 22, 1942 and died there on May 20, 1943.
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