Bahnhofstraße 29
55270 Klein-Winternheim
The roots of the Landesprodktenhandlung " Gebrüder Abraham " go back to Ober-Olm in 1848/1849 to the brothers Bernhard and Alexander Abraham. Both were house owners in Ober-Olm and ran a trading business in agricultural products from there. Alexander Abraham was married to Rosalie Kaufmann from Marienborn. The couple had three children - Karl, born in 1857, Ludwig, born on May 15, 1852 and Raphael Leopold, who died at the age of 8. Karl Abraham and his wife Lina, née Rothschild, moved to Klein-Winternheim around 1890, after his building application for a residential and commercial building in the Bahnhofstrasse there was approved by the district office in Mainz in 1889. He was also able to build a warehouse for seeds, animal feed and fertilizer on the railroad land. His brother Ludwig continued the trading business in Ober-Olm. Karl and Lina Abraham had three children: Alexander, Anna Alice and Otto. When Karl Abraham died in 1932, his sons Alexander and Otto continued to run the business under the name " A. & O. Abraham ". Anna Alice married Ferdinand Haas, a merchant from Rülzheim, and moved with him to Wiesbaden. In addition to their trading business, the Abraham brothers decided to enter the fertilizer production business. In March 1933, they received planning permission from the city of Mainz to build the " A. & O. Abraham - Fabrik chem. Düngemittel " in Mainz-Gustavsburg. The brothers and their wives moved to Mainz in 1934. The business in Klein-Winternheim was now run by the cousin Alex Abraham, son of Ludwig Abraham, who had previously continued the business of his father, who had remained in Ober-Olm. In 1938/39, the Aryanization of the Chemische Fabrik „A. & O. Abraham“ with its headquarters in Klein-Winternheim and production site in Mainz-Gustavsburg was forced to sell. The Reichspogromnacht also marked the end of the business in Klein-Winternheim. Almost all members of the Abraham family managed to escape.
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