Complete profile

Zihron Ya'akov 8
Tel Aviv-Jaffa

32.084363219155, 34.790045252453

Jehudith (Hertha) Ish-Tov Livnat (née Loewenthal) was born on 24.11.1906 in Heidelberg (Schildberg). In Berlin-Schöneberg, she trained as a social worker at the Social Women's School (1927/29) and continued her education at the Women's Academy for Social and Pedagogical Women’s Work, both institutions founded by the social work pioneer Alice Salomon. She then worked at the recreation centre for Jewish children and in Jewish health care and specialised in looking after families at the municipal Social Welfare Offices.

In 1935, Loewenthal emigrated to Palestine and was trained at the Social Welfare Bureau in Jerusalem. In Tiberias, she headed the social work bureau from 1936 to 1942 and established there a child nutrition center. As part of her work, she promoted preventive work in schools by identifying the needs of pupils with cognitive difficulties and supported the establishment of special schools for children with acute difficulties. She was later appointed by the Mandate Government as a probation officer and was active in caring for soldiers' families. In 1946, Loewenthal participated in the delegation to the displaced-persons-camps in Germany and remained active there for two years.

After the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, she worked for 21 years as a nationwide supervisor in the Child Care Department of the Ministry of Welfare, establishing proper inspection of day care centers and foster families. She also advocated for the needs of mothers and encouraged women to find employment, including through various training courses. After her retirement, she continued to work at the Centre for Demography in the Prime Minister's Office and volunteered as chairperson of the Pensioners' Association of the Workers' Union. In 1979 she won the Labor (Avoda) prize, and in 1986 she won the Ora Namir prize for social contribution.

She died in Israel under the name Jehudith Ish-Tov Livnat, the exact date is unknown.

Authors: Ayana Halpern, Dayana Lau

Jehudith Ish-Tov Livnat
Woman in front of a house
Fotografiert von
Joachim Wieler
Alice Salomon Archiv
Alice Salomon Archiv der ASH Berlin - Rechte vorbehalten
Jehudith Ish-Tov Livnat
Ish-Tov Livnat, Jehudith (née Hertha Löwenthal), in: JIGSAW. Jewish German Social Workers in Palestine, URL:, last seen on 03.11.2023.
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