Königspatz 34
34117 Kassel
In the address book of the city of Kassel from the year 1923 find the following entries - residents directory:Elias M,. Kaufmann´s son, bank business, Königsplatz 34.- M. Elias, Kaufmann´s Sohn, Kommanditgesellschaft,Pers.haft.Ges.Bankier Manus Elias Erben und Bankier Baruch Elias.Kommandistin:Deutsche Effekten- u. Wechselbank Frankfurt a. M.The merchants Victor Plaut,Andreas Schmidt and Gotthold Herzberg are granted joint power of attorney in such a way that two authorized signatories each are jointly authorized to sign for the company and represent the company. Manus Elias was born on November 17,1842.On June 29,1870 he married Josephine Cassel from Deutz,born on January 9,1848,daughter of Baruch Cassel and Rosa Cassel,née Ansbach.Manus Elias was a banker.The couple lived in Kassel -1883 Kölnische Stra;e 4 -1902 Ständeplatz 3 and Kölnische Straße 16 -1912 then in Spohrstr. 7.They had seven children - Rosa (Reichel), born 05.July 1871 in Gudensberg, died 6.June 1873 in Gudensberg, - Baruch,born 28.October.1872 in Gudensberg,- Esther,b.January 1,1874 in Gudensberg, - Karl,b.March 22,1881 in Kassel, - Joseph,b.August 10,1882 in Kassel, - Max,b.February 09,1885 in Kassel and Arthur,b.May 06,1891 in Kassel. Manus Elias was a spokesman for the Orthodox members of the congregation and a proponent of building a second synagogue for the more Orthodox members of the congregation who did not want organ music in the synagogue. Manus Elias died on October 25, 1914 in Kassel. His wife Josephine died in Kassel on May 18, 1919. Baruch Elias was a banker and owner of the banking business M.Elias Kaufmann's Sohn“.He lived in Kassel 1902: Kölnische Strasse 16, 1914: Kaiserstrasse 1,1921 – 1936: Terrasse 28 and was married to Helene Hirschfeld,geb.16.05.1880 in Essen. Baruch and Helene Elias had two sons-Kurt Josef,geb.06.03.1904 in Kassel and Heinz Karl,geb. 23.11.1905 in Kassel.Helene Elias died on13.12.1924 in Kassel.Baruch Elias emigrated to France and died in Pau/ Pyrenäen.
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