Meyer family

Complete profile

Bahnhofstraße 11
49179 Ostercappeln

52.349375, 8.231358

Here lived
Erna Meyer
geb. Steinfeld
Jg. 1896
deported 1943
murdered 1943 in

Erna Meyer was born on 31 May 1896 as Erna Steinfeld in Versmold . She was married to Hugo Meyer, who died in 1933, and had two children. At the beginning of 1939 she left Ostercappeln with her two parents and went to Cologne. On September 9, 1939, she fled to the Netherlands and lived in Amsterdam. On February 10, 1943, she was arrested and was imprisoned in the Vught-Hertogenbosch concentration camp until July 3, 1943. Then she was taken to transit camp Westerbork and from there she was deported to extermination camp Auschwitz on November 16, 1943. After selection arrival, she was murdered on November 19, 1943 and later declared dead.

Here lived
Hans Meyer
Yg. 1928
deported 1943
murdered 1943 in

Hans Meyer was born on December 30, 1928, the son of Hugo and Erna Meyer in Osnabrück . On September 9, 1939 he fled with the family to the Netherlands, where he last lived in an Israelite orphanage for boys in Amsterdam. From February 11, 1943 to November 16, 1943 he was imprisoned and then deported from the Westerbork collection camp to the Auschwitz death camp, where he was murdered on November 19, 1943 and later declared dead.

Here lived
Ruth Meyer
Yg. 1929
deported 1943

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