Bahnhofstraße 6
49832 Freren
Here lived
Josef Meyberg, Jg. 1863, escape 1939 Holland interned Westerbork deported .1943 murdered in Auschwitz.
Josef Meyberg was born on July 24, 1863 in Freren. From 1889 to 1914 he was the head of the Jewish community. On June 6, 1939 he fled with his wife Emma to Amsterdam in the Netherlands and was imprisoned from February 4, 1943 in the collection camp Westerbork. From there, his deportation to the Auschwitz extermination camp took place on February 9, 1943, where he was murdered on arrival on February 12, 1943, and later declared dead.
Here he lived
Emma Meyberg, née. Löwenstein, Jg. 1872, escape 1939 Holland interned Westerbork,deported 1943, murdered in Auschwitz
Emma Meyberg was born on May 13, 1872 as Emma Löwenstein in Ahaus and lived with her husband Josef in Freren. On June 6, 1939, she fled to the Netherlands and was imprisoned in the Westerbork collection camp from February 4, 1943. From there she was deported on February 9, 1943 to the extermination camp Auschwitz and murdered on February 12, 1943.
Hildegard Meyberg, Jg. 1897, lived here, escaped in 1940, England
Hildegard Meyberg was born on December 8, 1897. She managed to escape in 1939/1940 üvia Amsterdam to London. There she worked as a nurse and died in 1967.
Here lived
Frieda Meyberg, m. Becker Jg. 1894 deported 1944, Theresienstadtbefreit/überlebt. Frieda Meyberg was born on June 8, 1894, the daughter of Josef and Emma Meyberg. After her education in a hotel in Nürnberg she moved to Hamm and married a Catholic man in 1918. Later she moved with him to Osnabrück. In January 1945 she was arrested and deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp. Sheüsurvived, was liberated and brought back by the DRK again. She died on May 2, 1975.
Living here
Samson Meyberg, born 1901, escaped in 1939, Columbia üsurvived. Samson Meyberg was born in 1901, the son of Josef and Emma Meyberg. He was married to Rosa Meyberg. He could still before 1 November 1938 ..
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