Lindenspürstraße 32
Baden Württemberg
70176 Stuttgart
The founding year of the company in Stuttgart goes back to 1874. 8.12.1911 Wilhelm Bleyle sold his first factory, built in 1901 in the Lindenspürstra;e, to Mendel & Levy, since he had another factory built in 1908 on the opposite side of the street and also owned other factory buildings in Brackenheim, Ludwigsburg and in the Rotebühlstraß;. Business at Mendel & Levy was going well. Business connections to Westphalia, northern Germany and Luxembourg bear witness to this. Only with the change of power and government in 1933 did business decline. Calls for boycotts by the National Socialist government naturally contributed to this. In 1935, the owners of the company were forced to lease the factory until it was finally sold in 1938 in the course of the so-called Aryanization.

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